Where to begin?
So, after navigating online job advertising and virtual interviews you have found the perfect candidate and they’ve accepted the job, so what’s next?
Ahead of the employees first day, it’s important to make sure you are ready for their arrival. This means ensuring any equipment, PPE, computer access such as email and logins is available from day 1. This will not only help to make the first day go smoothly in terms of training and productivity but also provides a good first impression on the new employee. We also advise keeping in touch with your employee ahead of their first day, providing easy and clear relevant information; this will include timings, dress code, parking/transport situation and anything they may need to bring with them on their first day.
Whether this is hardcopy or online you will need to provide certain information to your employee and ask for information from them.
From your new employee you will need
- Form of identification/right to work e.g. passport or birth certificate
- Proof of national insurance number
- P45 (if not applicable, you will need to provide them with a new starter form)
- Personal details including contact information (address and phone number), bank details, emergency contacts, any medical conditions you may need to be aware of.
You will need to provide
- A written statement of particulars (this needs to be on or before their first day of work)
- For exactly what this needs to include click here https://ashtonpeoplesolutions.co.uk/2020contract/
- Basic health and safety information such as fire exits, bathroom facilities, first aid contact and anything applicable to their working environment.
- Relevant training to their role.
Day 1
We suggest an employee’s first day looks a little like this.
The employee arrives at a prearranged time and is greeted by manager where possible or receptionist/named colleague.
Employee is given a tour of the business and facilities including toilets, fire exits, break rooms, and introduced to colleagues.
Introduction to the business via meeting or presentation to advise on background of the company, key members of staff (organisational chart if you have one), and company values.
Lunch – where employees can go for lunch/breaks how long they have etc.
Complete any necessary forms/paperwork including checking and returning right to work documents.
Company policies and procedures – new employees should be made aware of where company policy and procedures can be found and given time to read through key policies such as booking holidays (and other time off), company disciplinary, grievance and health and safety policies.
Please remember, a first day can be very busy and is a lot of information to take in so provide your new employee with opportunity to ask questions, take comfort breaks, offer refreshments and times to reflect.
Day 2 and beyond
Onboarding a new employee is not just about the first day, we also suggest you schedule in regular meetings/catch ups and training over the first few weeks and don’t forget to book in probation reviews. This provides you and your new employee opportunity to discuss progress, any problems/concerns and general updates on how they are settling in.
A company specific induction booklet can help to make onboarding a new employee go smoothly. Our induction booklet contains key company information and forms/checklists, key contacts, timetables and procedures and can be tailored to suit your business needs. The booklet acts both as a guide for you to ensure you cover everything you need to, but also as a reference guide for your new employee.
Remember, you employees are your company’s biggest asset, so nurturing and maintaining company-employee relationships are critical. Taking the time to acknowledge, appreciate and thank your staff will go a long way, no matter how you decide to do it.
If you would like further support with inducting new employees, or for any HR and employment support please get in touch.