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Getting Pay Right
How to avoid underpaying your team.
A list of 191 companies has been ‘named and shamed’ on the Gov website this week. They failed to pay £2.1 million to more than 34,000 employees. We at Ashton People Solutions can help if you have any queries over your pay structure, benefits or overtime policy, but please see our tips below which may help you avoid common pay pitfalls.
HR Skills for a Post Lockdown Workplace
Many have struggled during the past 15 months, whether it be through losing work, income, missing friends and family or with physical or mental health.
Happy Employee, Happy Company!
The Benefits of Effective Employee Retention.
According to the CIPD’s 2020 Resourcing and Planning Survey, the rate of voluntary employee turnover almost doubled from 5.5% in 2014 to 10.1% in 2019.
A modest level of staff turnover can be positive for a business – new starts can suggest new ways of working, approaches and ideas. However, the right culture, attitude, policies and respect can really go far in keeping your employees loyal and happy.
Return to Normality?
With lockdown now easing around the UK and around 34 million people vaccinated so far, people are becoming cautiously optimistic about a return to near-normality. However, as various scientists have noted, we will be living with variations of the coronavirus for many years to come, and this means that some restrictions may be here to stay or return in future.
Working Life Post Pandemic
The pandemic has brought up many challenges in all areas of our lives, including how and where we work.
New Employee? – Here is what you need to do!
So, after navigating online job advertising and virtual interviews you have found the perfect candidate and they’ve accepted the job, so what’s next?
Let's talk.
If you would like a free, no-obligation consultation, either over the phone or at your premises, please give us a call on 01352 878535 or email